freight dispatcher training

Freight Dispatch Training Basic + eBook 2024

Original price was: $424.00.Current price is: $374.00.

This course provides audio training for individuals interested in becoming a freight dispatcher.




Some of the things you will learn in Freight Dispatch Training. Always be calm and speak professionally, never get into a verbal altercation with a driver while he is dispatched on your load as you don’t need to take risk of getting into a situation that could potentially turn bad.

Dispatching means the process of assigning motor carriers to your loads. Once you and your client have discussed the line-haul rate, you will have to start searching for a motor carrier willing to haul the load. There are many ways to find motor carriers. You will have to complete some formalities like signing the set-up contract, preparing the rate sheet and scrutinizing the safety ratings of the motor carrier before you can start the dispatch process. It is important to complete all the formalities to prevent any legal or financial issues at a later stage.

How We Prepare You for the Freight Dispatcher Industry

Getting into dispatching could never be easier! With our comprehensive freight dispatching training course and online tools you will be far ahead of your peers who have taken dispatcher training courses elsewhere. Enroll with a friend and SAVE!

If you are an independent dispatcher you will be following the roles and responsibilities of a contractor. While using the services of the motor carrier you need to have an arrangement or ‘set-up’ with the carrier. ‘Set-up’ means the contract agreement which has been chalked out between you and the motor carrier. In case you aren’t aware of the process of creating a contract then you should seek assistance from a lawyer who will draft a proper contract with the help of any sample contract form.

There are numerous forms & agreements which have to be filled before you can begin to dispatch. Such forms and agreements are used during various stages of the dispatch process. However, it is important to know the purpose of these forms and agreements.

The majority of the companies include a lot of legal terms in their set up contracts to protect their prospecting endeavor. It is also necessary for the brokers to have a ‘back end solution clause’ which is informally called a ‘non compete’ agreement with their set up contract to avoid the possibility of the carrier hauling directly from the clients. Thus as a freight broker, you are sure that the efforts of procuring a client have not gone waste. In case the motor carrier ends up directly dealing with your customer then it will be mandatory for them to share a certain percentage of the revenue they have earned from that customer. Thus, this is the best solution to safeguard your business.

The transportation industry has it’s own ‘lingo’. If you can’t speak the language or have any idea what a trucker is talking about. How much weight can a trucker legally have on his tandems do you know? Or on his steering axle? Or what are considered bad states and locations to send a driver because it will be difficult to find them a load out of that area and they will have a lot of deadhead miles to get to a more profitable location. What does it mean when he says he’s bob-tailing or he’s over on his tandems you’ll have a difficult time in this business until you’re familiar with the terminology.

This is the type of on the job information we compile into our course, to prepare you for everyday situations like this in the logistics industry, and in a demanding “spot market” industry these tools will give you the competitive edge to make quick decisions that will earn you better profits.