Become a Freight Dispatcher in Florida

Becoming a truck dispatcher  can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but success doesn’t come overnight. You need to consider everything from how to navigate a load board and create an effective website to how to negotiate contracts and find and work with carriers.

How do I become a semi-truck dispatcher? The answer to that question begins with a follow-up question: are you looking at becoming a truck dispatcher for another employer or as an independent business opportunity?

If you simply want to become a truck dispatcher for another company, then the process is much the same as it would be for finding any job. You can look on job boards to see if there are any open truck dispatcher positions that interest you, or you can approach individual carriers and express your interest in becoming a freight dispatcher. You can ask if they’d be willing to train you or if they can offer you some kind of entry level position.

Requirements will vary, but many employers will at least want a high school diploma or GED and some customer service experience.  Many people are perfectly happy working as an employee of a single company rather than as an independent truck dispatcher.

However, things get even more interesting for those who view becoming a truck dispatcher as a business opportunity. If you want to become an independent truck dispatcher, the first thing you need is education.

Growth + Change = Opportunity! How are you going to capitalize on the opportunity as a freight broker, agent, dispatcher or box truck carrier!?

Check out our courses for becoming a Freight Broker, Agent or Freight Dispatcher! As always reach out to us with any questions we are here to help 7 days a week!