Department of Justice sued HireRight DAC Trucking

The blatant inaccuracies and false information on some DAC reports isn’t news to the thousands of drivers who have felt blackballed in the trucking industry due to HireRight’s driver record database, but HireRight’s immoral business practices have finally been exposed to the rest of America by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission.

HireRight collects background information on drivers, creating a “DAC” report on each driver, which is used to screen drivers when they apply for a job. Among multiple serious violations of consumer protection laws, the FTC alleges that HireRight sold DAC reports on drivers that incorrectly listed criminal convictions, and failed to take reasonable steps to make sure the information on reports was as accurate as possible. HireRight agreed to pay $2.6 million to settle the charges brought by the DOJ and the FTC.This doesn’t have to be the full extent of HireRight’s punishment for decades of mismanagement.